PREP - 10 mins
Total - 20 mins
Serves - 8


350ml cranberry juice
2 teaspoons powdered gelatine
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1/3 cup (45g) frozen raspberries
480g SPC ProVital Diced Peaches, drained and syrup retained
8 store bought sponge fingers, cut into 3 pieces
600g thick prepared custard in a tub (available in chiller section of supermarket)
300ml thickened cream, whipped
200g SPC ProVital Diced Peaches , extra for garnish

Recipe Method

Step 1

Pour half the cranberry juice into a small saucepan. Sprinkle gelatine on top and whisk with a fork to dissolve. Set aside for 5 minutes or until the gelatine is absorbed.

Step 2

Add remaining cranberry juice, sugar, and stir over a medium heat until sugar and gelatine has dissolved. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool for 15 minutes.

Step 3

Add drained peaches and raspberries to the jelly. Pour into large serving bowl or individual dishes and place in fridge to set. Allow to set in fridge for hour.

Step 4

To assemble trifle, dip both sides of sponge fingers into retained peach juice.

Step 5

Layer sponge fingers on top of jelly. Pour over custard. Place back in fridge until ready to serve. Top with a whipped cream and garnish with extra peaches.

Nutrition Facts

Serves: 8

Energy (kj) per serve: 1316
Protein (g) per serve: 5.53
Fat - Total (g) per serve: 16.96
Fat- Saturated (g) per serve: 10.67
Carbohydrate (g) per serve: 34.05
Sugar (g) per serve: 28.08
Dietary Fibre (g) per serve: 1.89
Sodium (mg) per serve: 86
Trifle Mobile

Try SPC Fruit Salad or SPC Two Fruits as an alternative to SPC Diced Peaches. The drained peach juice is a lighter alternative to sponge fingers being soaked  in alcohol.

Trifle can be prepared a day in advance. Top with whipped cream and diced fruit just before serving.