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Older couple with nurse

SPC ProVital Food Safety

Often due to a medical condition, the swallowing difficulties of dysphagia require a custom approach for preparing and labelling texture modified foods and thickened drink options.

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Smiling lady

Healthy Diet Options

Not merely for calorie-intake, mealtime for an elderly person is fuel for life. Denise Burbidge, a dietitian in clinical care, addresses the importance of quality ingredients, visually appealing and nutritious foods both in and out of residential aged care. 

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Fresh oranges on tree

SPC ProVital Food Quality

We know the quality of our food is important but how do we achieve this?  SPC and the fruit growers of Goulburn Valley Victoria live by the mantra of “back to the earth” nutrition and ensure it for you and your family every day. 

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Smiling grandma in dining room

Familiarity and Nostalgia

Familiarity is an emotion that can mean a lot to an elderly person, and Clinical Services Manager, Leigh McLean shares her thoughts on why good food has the ability to spark memories and enhance the experience of sitting down to eat at meal time. 

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