SPC Global Ltd (SPC) (“we, “us” and “our”) is the operator of the SPC website (https://spc.com.au/) (Website). These terms and conditions of use (Terms) in conjunction with the SPC Privacy Policy (Policy) available at https://www.spc.com.au/privacy govern your use of the Website. By accessing the Website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and the Policy and agree to be bound by these Terms and the Policy.

  1. Acceptable use
    • The intellectual property, including any copyright and trade marks, in the information and content provided by us on the Website (Website content) is owned or controlled by us (or our licensors, advertisers or affiliates, as applicable), and is protected by intellectual property laws in Australia and overseas. You may not do anything which interferes with or breaches any intellectual property rights in the Website content.
    • You may access and use the Website content, including downloading, extracting and copying Website content, for your own personal, non-commercial use only. You may not otherwise modify, publish, reproduce or transmit the Website content, including any copyrighted material and trade marks, in any way without our prior written consent, except to legitimately identify our products and services.
    • You may not use, modify or remove any copyright or trade mark notices which may appear on Website content without our prior written consent, except to acknowledge our intellectual property rights relating to that Website content.
    • You agree to use the Website for lawful purposes only. You may not use or access the Website in any way or for any purpose which breaches any applicable laws or regulations, is otherwise prohibited, offensive or defamatory, or misrepresents your identity or affiliation with any other person. You acknowledge that you may be held personally liable for any unlawful or prohibited use of the Website.
    • We reserve the right to modify or remove any Website content that we consider (in our sole discretion) breaches these Terms.
    • You may not use any device, software or network, or upload or attempt to upload any data, content, virus, harmful code or any other material or program, which may interfere, damage or in any way adversely affect the functionality or operation of the Website.
  2. Liability
    • Third party websites
      • The Website may contain links and references to websites owned or operated by a third party (Third Party Sites). Your use of and interaction with Third Party Sites is governed by their respective terms and policies. We recommend that you review them prior to accessing any Third Party Sites.
      • We are not responsible for, have no control over and have no obligation to verify any content contained on Third Party Sites, including any content relating to any of our products or services. To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept any liability for any content contained on Third Party Sites, including liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of your use of or interaction with Third Party Sites.
      • We do not warrant the functionality of any Third Party Site and provide no assurance that any Third Party Site is free of errors, defects, bugs, viruses or any other harmful codes. Your use of and interaction with Third Party Sites is at your own risk.
      • Unless otherwise specified, we are not affiliated with, do not endorse and do not sponsor any Third Party Sites.
    • Content and functionality of the Website
      • While we use reasonable endeavours to ensure the Website content is accurate and complete, we do not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of any such content.
      • To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the Website content at any time. You are responsible for assessing the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any the Website content, and acknowledge and agree that your reliance on the Website content is at your own risk.
      • We do not guarantee that your use of the Website will be uninterrupted, free of errors, defects, bugs, viruses or any other harmful codes.
      • To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability for any loss (including indirect or consequential loss) or damage arising from or in connection with your use of, or access to, the Website, including your reliance on any Website content.
      • In addition to and without limitation of any other provision of these Terms, we do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the quality, accuracy or suitability for consumption of any recipe, food related instruction or advice contained on the Website, and accept no liability in relation to such content. You are responsible for assessing the quality, accuracy and suitability for consumption of any recipes provided on the Website, and acknowledge and agree that your use of any recipe, food related instruction or advice contained on the Website is at your own risk.
  1. General
    • These Terms are governed by, and will be construed in accordance with, the laws of Victoria, Australia. Any claim or dispute between you and us arising out of these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia.
    • We reserve the right to withdraw or limit access to the Website at any time without notifying you. These Terms survive any such withdrawal or limitation.
    • Although the Website may be accessed outside of Australia, we make no representation that the Website or the Website content complies with the laws of any other country. If you access this website from outside Australia, you are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with your local laws.
    • We may update or amend the Website, the Website content and these Terms at any time and without notifying you, by publishing an updated or amended version of the Website, the relevant Website content or these Terms. Any updates or amendments are effective as at the date of update or amendment. It is your responsibility to review the Website regularly, including these Terms, to ensure you are aware of any updates and amendments.
    • If any provision of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable then that provision shall be deemed severed from the Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
  2. Contact us and complaints procedure

If you have any queries, complaints or comments, or believe that any Website content is inappropriate, unlawful or infringes your rights, please contact us by:

SPC Global Ltd
Attention: Privacy Officer
Level 2, 175 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000.